
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Business Clients

1. In Loan Performer under Business Clients we mean the enterprises and the institutions (body corporate) registering with your organization as clients.
2. You have to be aware that Loan Performer does not support loans to Business Clients. Only savings are possible.
3. If your organization practices lending to such clients, they should be entered as "Individual Clients" or "Group Clients", depending on what you find appropriate.

To enter a Business client you have to enter the required information into the fields provided on the "Business Clients" screen. This information could be obtained either directly from a client, in this case a person representing the enterprise or the institution, or transferred from an Business Client Data-Entry Form.

How to enter a Business Clients To enter a Business Clients go to Clients\Business Clients and a screen like the one below shows up:

You will have to enter the clients basic data in the fields provided on the Business Clients screen and then enter the Business client's detailed information under the following tabs:

1. Pease note that after saving a client, you can no longer modify the branch code, registration and savings account number of this client
2. It is not possible to delete a business client, who had paid registration fees! You can only end the client's registration on the Other Details page

If you do not charge any fees at registration, just leave the amounts at "zero". For zero amounts there will be no bookings made to the General Ledger.

Click on the save button to save the transactions or close to quit or cancel.

1. The above fee amounts can be made default at System\Configuration\Register Part 1 so that you don't have to enter them manually.
2. Please note that at data entry you will only be able to enter the amounts equal or higher than the ones that are set at Configuration

Select cash account: From the drop down, select the cash account where the fees will be booked. This cash accounts should have been defined System Configuration/Cash Accounts


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